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FrameBuffer no data

Associate III


i try to start application on STM32F7 with external RAM.

I setup frame buffer and cache in external RAM, but touchgfx not loading screen to FrameBuffer, Cache is loading.

I check if image will render when a set start address of cache and FrameBuffer the same and it worked.

What may be source of the problem?

Chief III


What cache? Bitmap cache?


Yes, Bitmap cache.

I'm not sure you're using it correctly, then. It makes sense that if you're rendering to a piece of memory (the cache) and then using that address as your framebuffer, that's what you'll see on your display.

But, i'm not sure you're using the dynamic bitmap correctly. If the bitmap is using the cache and you're placing the bitmap on your canvas it should be rendered to the framebuffer (copied by DMA2D from memory to memory).


Please, see my DMA2D setup bellow


Have you any suggestions what should i check?

Is this your own custom board or a development kit you're trying to deploy on?


It is a custom board.

I don't think this is DMA2D related. Are you able to run an application without dynamic bitmaps, or are you using the bitmap cache because you don't have addressable external flash? e.g. If you had a red box as background and expected to see the contents of the bitmap cache represented by a bitmap, do you at least see the red box?

Can i see the code for the view where you expect to see something?


When I set LTDC background color i see it. When i generate red box using TouchGFX 4.10 i don't see it (picture bellow).

"Can i see the code for the view where you expect to see something?" - I generating code using TouchGFX 4.10
