2019-11-29 8:25 AM
Dear ST, I want know whether the source code of the factory frimware of STM32L4R9 Discovery Kit can be available for the developers. I have purchased one 32L4R9_DISCO board which include a circle AMOLED screen boards. The factory firmware show me the ToughGFX and STemwin example and so on. I want know where can I find the code?
Thanks and Best Regards.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-11-29 10:11 AM
2019-11-29 9:18 AM
Check in CubeL4 repository in the demonstration directory for the board, that's where most publicly provide code can be found. FAE's may have additional examples/demos they can share
2019-11-29 10:11 AM
2019-12-14 5:50 AM
I found there are only binary files in the directory STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.14.0\Projects\32L4R9IDISCOVERY\Demonstrations\TouchGFX. It seems the source code is not avaiable for all developers.
2020-09-10 6:23 AM
The only thing I found in the binary directory was a readme that says this:
The binary demonstration files are available from the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY page in the Binary Delivery section.
Please refer to
Go there a click Resources.
Scroll down to binary resources and you will see it there.
2020-11-13 1:25 AM
The binary/hex is no more in that directory! There is a readme instead, saying to find it manually on ST website.