2022-07-06 7:49 AM
Hi all,
I'm trying to put some TouchGFX data (images, text, ...) in an external flash (S25FL128L) on a custom board with STM32H7B0VB mcu. I'm using the octo-spi peripheral as quad-spi.
So, I followed the guide to make an external loader and I did it. It seems to work properly: if I load the .stdlr file in the STM32CubeProgrammer I can read, write, erase sector and mass erase the external flash.
Also, if I try to debug (STM32CubeIDE) a project using the loader without putting elements into external flash all works well and I can see all the memory locations.
The ploblem occur whe I try to put somenthing inside the external flash. I do that in the linker script with TouchGFX sections: IntFlashSection and TextFlashSection. See the script below:
/* Entry Point */
/* Highest address of the user mode stack */
_estack = 0x20020000; /* end of RAM */
/* Generate a link error if heap and stack don't fit into RAM */
_Min_Heap_Size = 0x200 ; /* required amount of heap */
_Min_Stack_Size = 0x400 ; /* required amount of stack */
/* Specify the memory areas */
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 2048K
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 128K
AXI_SRAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x24000000, LENGTH = 1024K
AHB_SRAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 128K
OCTOSPI (r) : ORIGIN = 0x90000000, LENGTH = 16M
/* Define output sections */
/* The startup code goes first into FLASH */
.isr_vector :
. = ALIGN(4);
KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Startup code */
. = ALIGN(4);
/* The program code and other data goes into FLASH */
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.text) /* .text sections (code) */
*(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
*(.glue_7) /* glue arm to thumb code */
*(.glue_7t) /* glue thumb to arm code */
KEEP (*(.init))
KEEP (*(.fini))
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .; /* define a global symbols at end of code */
/* Constant data goes into FLASH */
.rodata :
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
*(.rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
. = ALIGN(4);
.ARM.extab : { *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } >FLASH
.ARM : {
__exidx_start = .;
__exidx_end = .;
.preinit_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.preinit_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
.init_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
.fini_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.fini_array*))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
/* used by the startup to initialize data */
_sidata = LOADADDR(.data);
/* Initialized data sections goes into RAM, load LMA copy after code */
.data :
. = ALIGN(4);
_sdata = .; /* create a global symbol at data start */
*(.data) /* .data sections */
*(.data*) /* .data* sections */
*(.RamFunc) /* .RamFunc sections */
*(.RamFunc*) /* .RamFunc* sections */
. = ALIGN(4);
_edata = .; /* define a global symbol at data end */
/* Uninitialized data section */
. = ALIGN(4);
.bss :
/* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .bss secion */
_sbss = .; /* define a global symbol at bss start */
__bss_start__ = _sbss;
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .; /* define a global symbol at bss end */
__bss_end__ = _ebss;
} >RAM
/* User_heap_stack section, used to check that there is enough RAM left */
._user_heap_stack :
. = ALIGN(8);
PROVIDE ( end = . );
PROVIDE ( _end = . );
. = . + _Min_Heap_Size;
. = . + _Min_Stack_Size;
. = ALIGN(8);
} >RAM
/* Remove information from the standard libraries */
libc.a ( * )
libm.a ( * )
libgcc.a ( * )
.ARM.attributes 0 : { *(.ARM.attributes) }
IntFlashSection :
*(IntFlashSection IntFlashSection.*)
. = ALIGN(0x4);
TextFlashSection :
*(TextFlashSection TextFlashSection.*)
. = ALIGN(0x4);
The output of the console when I try to Debug or Run with this linker script is:
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.1.0
Copyright (c) 2022, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
Waiting for debugger connection...
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.10.0
Log output file: c:\users\niko~1.fio\appdata\local\temp\stm32cubeprogrammer_a14888.log
ST-LINK SN : 34FF74065250343847111043
Board : --
Voltage : 3.23V
SWD freq : 4000 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x480
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32H7A/B
Flash size : 128 KBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M7
BL Version : 0x90
Memory Programming ...
Opening and parsing file: st-link_gdb_server_a14888.srec
File : st-link_gdb_server_a14888.srec
Size : 694.94 KB
Address : 0x08000000
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing internal memory sectors [0 32]
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:
Erasing external memory sectors [0 108]
Download in Progress:
Error: failed to download Segment[0]
Error: failed to download the File
Shutting down...
I dont't know how to solve this. Any ideas?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-07-12 7:30 AM
2022-07-06 10:04 AM
>>I don't know how to solve this. Any ideas?
Get more verbose logs, use the Command Line variant of STM32 Cube Programmer.
Make sure it's loading the right External Loader, and from the directory you expect.
You can instrument External Loaders to use any GPIO or UART available on the board to debug and understand what's happening internally.
CubeIDE + GDB Server, whole other levels of opportunity to fail there, but without knowing the loader is bullet-proof, and having a lot more diagnostic output, it's going to be a challenge to get a lot of support.
2022-07-06 11:48 AM
@Osman SOYKURT similar to one of the other threads. Might help for the tools to become more verbose and detailed in the failure cases so technical support has something to work with. I might suggest adding detail of registers, or timeout expiration.
2022-07-06 11:44 PM
Hi Tesla, thank you for your response.
I didnt't know that I can have a more detailed log on the STM32CubeProgrammer.
However, this is the complete output. I cut the first part (connection, read hex, etc.) because the post was too long.
08:32:12:530 : Memory Programming ...
08:32:12:530 : Opening and parsing file: striker_ui_ext_flash.hex
08:32:12:544 : File : striker_ui_ext_flash.hex
08:32:12:545 : Size : 695.50 KB
08:32:12:545 : Address : 0x08000000
08:32:12:545 : Erasing Segment <0> Address <0x08000000> Size <257796>Bytes
08:32:12:545 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
08:32:12:545 : Memory erase...
08:32:12:549 : halt ap 0
08:32:12:549 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC (0x24000000)
08:32:12:549 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP (0x24000500)
08:32:12:550 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR (0x01000000)
08:32:12:553 : w ap 0 @0x24001140 0x00000200 bytes Data 0x00000000
08:32:12:553 : w ap 0 @0x24000000 0x00000004 bytes Data 0x0000BE00
08:32:12:574 : w ap 0 @0x24000004 0x00000D10 bytes Data 0x8F4FF3BF
08:32:12:574 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 31]
08:32:12:574 : Init flashloader...
08:32:12:574 : halt ap 0
08:32:12:575 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:12:578 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x00000000
08:32:12:580 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x00000000
08:32:12:580 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000000
08:32:12:581 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:12:581 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:12:581 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:12:581 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:12:581 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:12:582 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:12:582 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:12:582 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:12:583 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:12:583 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:12:584 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:12:584 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x2400000B
08:32:12:585 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:12:586 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24001110
08:32:12:586 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:12:586 : run ap 0
08:32:12:587 : halt ap 0
08:32:12:588 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:12:589 : Loader sector erase...
08:32:12:590 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x08000000
08:32:12:590 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x0803E000
08:32:12:592 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x00000002
08:32:12:592 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000000
08:32:12:593 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:12:594 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:12:594 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:12:594 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:12:600 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:12:600 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:12:601 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:12:602 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:12:602 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:12:602 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:12:603 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:12:603 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x2400086B
08:32:12:603 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:12:604 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24001110
08:32:12:605 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:12:605 : run ap 0
08:32:12:666 : halt ap 0
08:32:12:674 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:12:675 : erase: 0124ms
08:32:12:675 : Erasing Segment <1> Address <0x90000000> Size <454396>Bytes
08:32:12:675 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:
08:32:12:675 : Memory erase...
08:32:12:675 : halt ap 0
08:32:12:675 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC (0x24000000)
08:32:12:676 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP (0x24000500)
08:32:12:676 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR (0x01000000)
08:32:12:678 : w ap 0 @0x240184A0 0x00000200 bytes Data 0x00000000
08:32:12:681 : w ap 0 @0x24000000 0x00000004 bytes Data 0x0000BE00
08:32:13:336 : w ap 0 @0x24000004 0x00018064 bytes Data 0x00000000
08:32:13:337 : Erasing external memory sectors [0 110]
08:32:13:337 : Init flashloader...
08:32:13:337 : halt ap 0
08:32:13:337 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:13:339 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x00000000
08:32:13:340 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x00000000
08:32:13:340 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000000
08:32:13:340 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:13:340 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:13:341 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:13:349 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:13:351 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:13:351 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:13:352 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x240006B1
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24018464
08:32:13:353 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:13:353 : run ap 0
08:32:13:575 : halt ap 0
08:32:13:575 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:13:575 : Loader sector erase...
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x90000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x9006E000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x00000002
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:13:576 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:13:577 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:13:577 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:13:577 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x240007D3
08:32:13:579 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:13:580 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24018464
08:32:13:582 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:13:582 : run ap 0
08:32:17:745 : halt ap 0
08:32:17:745 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:17:746 : erase: 5077ms
08:32:17:746 : Download in Progress:
08:32:17:746 : Size : 257824 Bytes
08:32:17:746 : Address : 0x08000000
08:32:17:746 : Buffer program...
08:32:17:750 : halt ap 0
08:32:17:750 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC (0x24000000)
08:32:17:750 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP (0x24000500)
08:32:17:750 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR (0x01000000)
08:32:17:753 : w ap 0 @0x24001140 0x00000200 bytes Data 0x00000000
08:32:17:753 : w ap 0 @0x24000000 0x00000004 bytes Data 0x0000BE00
08:32:17:779 : w ap 0 @0x24000004 0x00000D10 bytes Data 0x8F4FF3BF
08:32:17:779 : Loader write range...
08:32:18:689 : w ap 0 @0x24001140 0x0001F7A0 bytes Data 0x20020000
08:32:18:689 : W B1 in RAM @0x24001140 size 0x0001F7A0 : 0915ms
08:32:18:690 : Init flashloader...
08:32:18:692 : halt ap 0
08:32:18:693 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:18:693 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x00000000
08:32:18:693 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x00000000
08:32:18:693 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000000
08:32:18:693 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:18:694 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:18:694 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:18:695 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:18:696 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:18:696 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:18:697 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:18:697 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:18:698 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:18:698 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:18:699 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:18:699 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x2400000B
08:32:18:699 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:18:700 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24001110
08:32:18:700 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:18:701 : run ap 0
08:32:18:701 : halt ap 0
08:32:18:707 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:18:709 : w ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x08000000
08:32:18:710 : w ap 0 reg 1 R1 0x0001F7A0
08:32:18:711 : w ap 0 reg 2 R2 0x24001140
08:32:18:713 : w ap 0 reg 3 R3 0x00000002
08:32:18:713 : w ap 0 reg 4 R4 0x00000000
08:32:18:714 : w ap 0 reg 5 R5 0x00000000
08:32:18:714 : w ap 0 reg 6 R6 0x00000000
08:32:18:714 : w ap 0 reg 7 R7 0x00000000
08:32:18:714 : w ap 0 reg 8 R8 0x00000000
08:32:18:714 : w ap 0 reg 9 R9 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 10 R10 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 11 R11 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 12 R12 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 13 SP 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 14 LR 0x24000001
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC 0x24000079
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR 0x01000000
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP 0x24001110
08:32:18:715 : w ap 0 reg 18 PSP 0x00000000
08:32:18:715 : run ap 0
08:32:19:650 : w ap 0 @0x240208E0 0x0001F780 bytes Data 0xB2093004
08:32:19:651 : W B2 in RAM @0x24080740 size 0x0001F780: 0961ms
08:32:19:654 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:19:654 : Wait W B1 in Flash @0x08000000 size 0x0001F7A0: 0001ms
08:32:19:654 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x00000001
08:32:19:654 : Write elapsed time: 1879ms
08:32:19:656 : halt ap 0
08:32:19:656 : w ap 0 reg 15 PC (0x24000000)
08:32:19:656 : w ap 0 reg 17 MSP (0x24000500)
08:32:19:656 : w ap 0 reg 16 xPSR (0x01000000)
08:32:19:657 : Loader write range...
08:32:20:581 : w ap 0 @0x24001140 0x0001F7A0 bytes Data 0x20020000
08:32:20:581 : W B1 in RAM @0x24001140 size 0x0001F7A0 : 0925ms
08:32:20:583 : halt ap 0
08:32:20:584 : r ap 0 reg 0 R0 0x5200200C
08:32:20:584 : Error: failed to download Segment[0]
08:32:20:584 : Error: failed to download the File
2022-07-07 1:21 AM
Hello Tesla DeLorean,
Thanks for this suggestion, I'll communicate this idea to my colleagues.
2022-07-07 1:37 AM
Hello nikof,
Don't know if this helps but can you try with
OCTOSPI (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x90000000, LENGTH = 16M
Also, is your flash memory correctly configured ? You can follow this guide to set it up.
2022-07-07 1:50 AM
Hello Osman,
I tried your advice but nothing changed.
Also, I think the flash memory is correctly configured. I can read, write and erase just sendig the appropriate commands. Also I can do all these things in the STM32CubeProgrammer.
The problem occur when I try to run my TouchGFX project putting something in the external flash. In the linker script:
TextFlashSection :
*(TextFlashSection TextFlashSection.*)
. = ALIGN(0x4);
2022-07-07 4:43 AM
You're in memory mapped mode right ?
Have you check in your application in TouchGFX Designer if you have this checkbox checked ?
2022-07-07 4:46 AM
Yes, I'm in memory mapped mode.
Yes, it is checked.
2022-07-07 5:47 AM
Looks to be failing when it switched back to the internal loader, so might suggest that the external one is making a mess of the MCU, perhaps having it running interrupts, or using RAM (0x24000000) for a different and incompatible purpose.
The loaders shouldn't need to be using interrupts. There are other ways to mark off time for timeouts and delays.