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EVE3-43G-IPS Screen with TouchGFX, CubeMX and CubeIDE / TouchGFX with custom Screen and MCU

Associate III


I am struggling with the software from the screen manufacteur Bridgetech / matrixorbital, and find the TouchGFX Software way better.

That's why I want to design a GUI in a TouchGFX style and use/program my MCU with CubeMX and CubeIDE

MCU: STM32f446RET6

Link to the Display

PCB: Custom made PCB

Now my question, is that possible?

To use this Screen module with TouchGFX and a custom PCB (MCU), in the TouchGFX designer I only found discovery kits with different screens than I have and no custom PCB / MCU

I hope someone can help me there :)

Best regards

Chief III

Yes you can use SPI LCD, but this isnt very cost effective. Too SPI limit you for slow animation usw...

Associate III

What do you mean by "use SPI LCD"?

That's REALLY general, I kinda need a little more specific info's...

What would be cost effective then?

And what wouldn't limit me?

This Display has a BT815 EVE Controller on it, how can I integrate it with TouchGFX?

If your planed GUI is simple you arent limited. Use TouchGFX in partial buffering mode.

And normal cost LCD is around 15$

Associate III

sorry, didn't reply to this I think, read the below