2017-11-22 6:34 AM
Hi community.
I've been trying now for a month to implement an UDP ethernet connexion with the STM32F769I-DISCOVERY with LwIP using TouchGFX without freeRTOS.
I already managed to add the middleware in my TouchGFX project, then I almost entirely copy/pasted exemple ethernetif.c code from CubeMX projects. I implemented a small UDP echo server in the project but I am not able to detect my board on the PC. I've been trying maany things to fix the code but there is not much documentation on internet about using ethernet with Tgfx.
Has anyone already managed to do that ? For example in order to compile LwIP I had to put all the *.h files in an include directory that I think may have changed the behavior of the code. Does anyone has any advice please ? Do not hesitate asking for details because I'm so lost that I don't really know what part of the code would help you...
Best regards
#touchgfx #stm32 #lwip #ethernet #stm32-f72017-11-22 12:56 PM
I think you will have STM32F769NIH6 Chip Version A on your board. Take a look on the die.
We have 21 boards and are always looking for Version Z, but probably not assembled on this board.
Version A has an issue concerning Ethernet described in the errata data sheet on page 18.
Try a little project just with LwIP only. Acting as a server should work, but if you want to send
packets to someone, the routing will fail. Let me know if the small test project works or not.
- Joerg -
2017-11-23 2:47 AM
Hi, thank you for your answer.
On the ARM chip it's written 'STM32F769NIHU 7BA4T VQ A...'. Just to be sure does the last A means it's chip version A ? In this case I'll check the errata sheet.
I already tried to use some examples LwIP projects and it worked properly, it was the http_server_rtos from cubeMX examples and I was able to display the web page on my computer so I know things can be done !
Bets regards