2025-03-03 4:24 AM
My humble apologies, I have seen similar posts on TouchGFX errros in simulate and could not find a relevant post that worked. Using TouchGFX 4.24.2 and STM32CubeIDE. I added to my project .c and .h file and placed them in a directory of App_Support with corresponding sub-directories of Inc and Src. Application >> User >> App_Support. The necessary path was added to the project settings includes. The project will compile under STM32CubeIDE, but when I motion back to TouchGFX, though it compiles, the simulator errors:
No rule to make target 'build/MINGW32_NT-6.2/../../STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/App_Support/Src/Main_Support.o', needed by 'build/bin/simulator.exe'.
I have the simulator makefile modified as such:
ADDITIONAL_SOURCES := ../../STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/App_Support/Src/Main_Support.c
ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_PATHS := ../../STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/App_Support/Inc
I have even tried a variation of ADDITIONAL_SOURCES:
ADDITIONAL_SOURCES := ../../STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/App_Support/Src which gives a somewhat similar error: No rule to make target '../../STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/App_Support/Src', needed by 'build/bin/simulator.exe'
Any assistance would be wonderful.