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DSI Host on Custom Board (STM32F469 chipset)

Associate II

We are currently developing a product that involves the DSI host interface. We were successful with the STM32F469 disco but we aren't having any luck with a custom solution. We are using the same series chip for our custom board as the discovery kit. Attached are schematics, the CubeMX,IDE and toughgfx project files and the datasheet for the screen. The person doing the UI for the project told me that I wouldn't need external ram (which I almost added anyway) to run his program so that's why there isn't any external RAM on this board. So I guess our main questions are:

  • Is internal RAM correctly initialized
  • I have the backlight driver's pin as a GPIO (will use PWM eventually), does this have to be set high in the main.c file in the cpp project or that something set in ToughGFX
  • Anything else that we are missing? I know for the ToughGFX, it has presets in it for the eval and discovery kits but since we are using a custom solution, is there anything that needs to be configured in there and then refreshed in the cpp project?
Associate II

Looks like these fields are blank in Touch GFX (Target flash and compile). Do these need to be filled even if the project is built and ran in the IDE?

You'd need 1.1 MB of RAM for the frame buffer (480x800 24bpp)

Perhaps you can make a test pattern with less.

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I think it's at 200 X 400 16 bpp right now