2021-07-19 04:36 AM
I am completely new to stm development. I installed latest version of stm32cube IDE and touch GFX 4.17.0. I have STM32f429I Dicovery board on which i wish to start on. However whenever i select the board and say create a example. The download goes till 33 & and fails ".
Can anybody help me, i am completely new to stm32 ecosystem. Also i am not able to create a new blank project for the board the error says "combination of stm32f429I & Blank UI failed.
2021-09-16 02:45 AM
The error could come from different things. I asked you to open an internet browser to make sure TouchGFX Designer has access to the server. From your screenshot you are able to see all TBS so you do have access to the server but some people struggle to download projects due to "poor" internet connection.
Could you share your log file ? It is found in the %appdata%/Roaming/TouchGFX-4.17.0 folder
Were you able to work with TouchGFX Designer 4.16.1 before ? Are you using a proxy server ?
2021-09-16 02:51 AM
2021-09-16 03:26 AM
Could you try to changed the language and regional settings to English in Win10 if it is not the case by going to 'Control Panel->Clock,Language,and Region->Region->Format' to English ?