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Does STM32f446re work with OV7670? Could you give some tutorials or examples please? Best regards Karina

Associate II

Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hi @KGrad.2​ ,

Besides the reply shared by @Andrew Neil​ , I advise you to refer to this AN5020 Application note “Digital camera interface (DCMI) for STM32 MCUs�?, that may help you.


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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III


ST Employee

Hi @KGrad.2​ ,

Besides the reply shared by @Andrew Neil​ , I advise you to refer to this AN5020 Application note “Digital camera interface (DCMI) for STM32 MCUs�?, that may help you.


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it does not work by me. Have you try it? Best regards, Karina

Thank you very much!

Most here are not using this combination of devices, and have their own projects/agendas.

Not clear what's "not working" in the build, interfacing and test process, you might want to engage directly with the author of that, or other projects, but remember they might not want to spend time debugging and diagnosing others issues. These materials are usually posted "As Is"

Perhaps look at STM32F4 EVAL boards these typically provide for camera interfaces.

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