2021-09-30 2:14 AM
Greetings All
Firstly, I am a beginner when it comes to using STM32 microcontrollers. For my final-year project I intend to implement a GUI using my the abovementioned board to display ADC values. I followed the prompts of a video on YouTube where TouchGFX and STMCubeIDE are used. In place of STMCubeIDE, I used Keil.
The video uses one ADC input, whereas I need four. I built a code that compiles (attached). My problem is that I even after loading the code onto my board and pressing the reset button, the display is still blank (white). What could the underlying cause(s) of this be? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as this is a pressing matter.
2021-09-30 10:57 AM
Oh I get you now: I'm using TouchGFX 4.17.0 and STMCubeMX 6.3.0.
2021-09-30 11:52 PM
The revision of the board is usually written on a white sticker on your board. Look for something like this "MB1075-F429I-E01" (which would be D01 if you have revision D). For this specific board you can also tell on the color of the board :grinning_face_with_sweat: is it green or blue ? Green is revision D and blue is revision E.
When debugging try to see if it gets stuck in some task or hid hardfault at one point. Are you able to make touchgfx work without the ADC stuff ?
2021-10-01 2:58 AM
Hi Romain
My board has the code MB1075 C-01 stuck on it and is green. Would the hard fault be shown by some register or is it something I am somehow supposed to figure out when stepping through the code? I hope you don't mind me asking elementary questions because I wish to understand thoroughly. I am able to run a demo code without the ADC implementation yes (just tried it).
2021-10-01 4:43 AM
Update: I have abandoned Keil for STM32CubeIDE. I am able to display my GUI without the ADC values implemented.
2023-08-16 6:04 AM
I am using :
My first project without ADC was working well. I was able to display animation on the HMI. But since I added the ADC, the screen is blank. After debug, I can see the tasks are running well, even the TouchGFX task also is running. But the display is blank.