I’ve also uploaded the RTX project so the share is now for a folder:
ITA120_ErrorReporter.zip is the project that has the designer compiler errors which you have said are known and repaired / under repair
ITA120_CMSIS_RTX.zip is the CMSIS-RTX5 project that displays the screen strangely.
The folder layout is as initially created by your designer, but after RTX5 was added using Keils uVision project manager.
So in touchgfx/os there are now four oswrapper files:
OSWrappers Your FreeRTOS implementation that works straight out of the designer
OSWrappers_NoRTOS An implementation for No RTOS as per your documentation that works with CMSIS-RTOS RTX5 with 2 threads for Main and GUI
OSWrappers_cmis Your cmis implementation that has the strange screen effects
OSWrappers_cmis2 My conversion of OSWrappers_cmis to V2 of cmis.
I’m getting the photo sent over shortly.
The image shows the screen image repeated 4 times horizontally, the blue button is meant to be in the top right corner (as you can see in the designer)
I can see the leds flashing thus showing that the framebuffer and vsync semaphore/queues are working and that refreshes are occurring. If I press the top right position of the LCD where the button is meant to be, it is changed as expected showing that the touch screen events are also running. I can also see by means of breakpoints that the main thread is running with its counter incrementing.
The two threads use static memory allocation, but even so I added large memory buffers in RTX_Config.h just in case, eventually the semaphore and queue will also be statically allocated.
Brian Shankland
Icon Research Ltd
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