2018-08-07 09:08 AM
In short, can't get CubeMX to generate a working template project for this board that uses STEmWin. The created project builds fine in SW4STM32, but when run, crashes somewhere inside the STEmWin GUI_Init() function.
All I'm trying to achieve is a minimal project to which I can start adding my own code, without having to build on one of the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0 examples (which are a pain to work with because it's impossible to extract just one example project and all the necessary files, as most of the files in the project are linked files)
I created the project like so: CubeMX > File > New Project > Board selector > 32F469IDISCOVERY > Yes to initialize all peripherals in default mode. Then, enabled STEmWin graphics middleware, with DSI display interface. Checked CRC enabled, checked configuration of LTDC, DSIHOST and DMA2D was consistant with that of the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0 firmware examples.
Since the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0 examples work fine and the template I generate using CubeMX does not, I assume that the problem must be some difference in the configuration between the two, so my debugging efforts have been focused on trying to compare the configuration/setup steps in the CubeMX generated code to that of the working examples, but this is far from easy because the examples seem to have been generated using a completely different tool (structure of the example projects is not like that of the CubeMX generated projects). This leads to a ridiculous situation where one has to reverese engineer, as it were, the example project to be able to enter the propper configuration for the board in CubeMX (if the board templates in CubeMX can't be trusted)
I'd be grateful for any help or advice,
2018-08-08 02:13 AM
Hello ross1 and everybody,
the problem being very similar, creating a new post did not seem relevant to me. If it disturbs I created a new one. Thank you.
I used the procedure described in the UM1718 and then I tried to solve with the information of the AN4323. It is written that there are two files to modify and / or to create, namely GUIConf.c and LCDConf.c. At home the LCDConf.c file does not exist. There is a file that appears to match named STemwin_wrapper.c which seems to replace LCDConf.c.
It contains the functions LCD_X_Config () as well as all the functions used to create the layers.
Like ross1, I tried to use the examples provided by the fw_1.21 HAL library. Only most often and as in all the examples provided with this library, the BSP is used, and makes the interpretation of the operation a little obscure. I even imported into the project the BSPs (and the dependencies) and of course all the configuration conflicts. Too bad, the examples are functional ...
For the example I found the function LCD_X_Config () in the file LCDConf_stm32469i_discovery.c, I will compare all of the two files, the answer if maybe found ...
I have the F469_Discovery card all the software and libarairie are up to date. I am also using SW4STM32.
2018-08-08 06:16 AM
the template is broken for the f769 disco, and judging from your posts, so is the f4
dont expect it to be fixed any time soon, either. they keep adding "features" rather than fixing existing bugs.
you are far better off merging the stemwin and bsp by hand at this point.
2018-08-08 06:35 AM
Thank you John Doe,
however it is a very recent feature and very promising. Although the amateur market is not the main STMicro rent ... by far.
I think they are still keen to provide a complete and functional development chain. We can always hope.
It is also true that it has been a long time that we hope the opportunity to choose the BSP in CubeMx and I noticed that we can now choose for some features between LL and HAL.
When to add the BSP manually to make the screen work and STemwin is very difficult, I did not succeed.
If you have a procedure to follow, I am a taker.
When I think the F769-disco is one of the most recent, I'm surprised it does not work either ...
And when we know that Draupner now belongs to STMicro, what will happen to STemwin?