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Configuration DMA2D pixel format conversion with blending

Associate II

Hello, I have a problem with the configuration of the DMA2D peripheral, namely after decoding the JPG image I change the BMP format to RGB565 it works without a problem, now on the picture I would like to display the icon and here I have a problem whether the photo should be configured as background and icon as foregrund and what input format should be icons. Regards

Senior III

"On the picture" implies that the picture is background. The icon format depends on the way you handle them. I would probably use alpha-masks and draw them in "color layers" - that makes changes in coloring easier - like when an icon is clicked, its borders could change. That just tends to take more space.

Associate II

Hello, I still haven't been able to properly start DMA2D, below the photo and configuration, maybe someone will be able to show me where I am making a mistake.

	          DMA2D->CR         = DMA2D_CR_MODE_1;                     // Mem to Mem with Blending
	          DMA2D->OPFCCR     = DMA2D_OPFCCR_CM_1;                   // out format RGB565
	          DMA2D->FGPFCCR    = 0xff000000|DMA2D_FGPFCCR_CM_1;       // foreg. in format RGB565
	        //  DMA2D->FGCOLR     = 0x00050605;                        // color register foregrund 565
	          DMA2D->FGOR       = 0x00000000;                          // ofset  foregrund
	          DMA2D->OOR        = 0x0000017c;                          // output ofset 380
	          DMA2D->NLR        = 0x00640064;                          // size of ikons 100*100
	          DMA2D->OMAR       = (uint32_t )(LCD_FRAME_BUFFER+45300); // out buf plus ofset
	          DMA2D->FGMAR      = (uint32_t )(ikon);                   // in ikon foregrund
	          DMA2D->BGMAR      = (uint32_t )LCD_FRAME_BUFFER;         // in picture backgrund
	        //  DMA2D->BGOR       =  0x000000ff;
	          DMA2D->BGPFCCR    = 0xff000000|DMA2D_BGPFCCR_CM_1;       // backg. in format RGB565
	       //   DMA2D->BGCOLR     = 0x00050605;                        // color register backgrund 565
	        //  DMA2D->OOR        =  0x000000ff;
	          DMA2D->CR        |= DMA2D_CR_START;
