2021-06-14 1:36 AM
hello. I set STM32L476 disco with X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1 together and I want to take an example from touchGFX designer that is planed to run on STM32L496G disco and run the example on the combination I have. this because I will have a custom board with STM32L476 and a screen like X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1. how can I coordinate between the example and the combination I have ?
2021-06-14 4:13 AM
If it is only the GUI part you wish to migrate from a project to another you can use the "Import GUI" option under the "Edit" tab in TouchGFX Designer.
2021-06-14 4:22 AM
2021-06-14 4:45 AM
I'm trying now to operate this combination. I'll try the attached. thanks.
2021-06-14 4:48 AM
I have no support for .7z . do you have it in another zipped format ? thanks.
2021-06-15 2:10 AM
I unzipped it !
2021-06-15 2:18 AM
with the board I use, when I try to run L476_GFX_Nucleo I get :
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to start GDB server
Failed to start GDB server
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: (-2147155971) Unknown. Please check power and cabling to target.
2021-06-15 3:44 AM
maybe it's a jumper issue ? I can't find user manual for the board : STM32L476 disco.
2021-06-15 6:42 AM
I do not have that board but the error message seems to indicate that it could be a jumper issue. There should be a jumper on the power source, try to put it on something called STLK (for STlink).
2021-06-15 7:26 AM
I can not find any documentation for which jumper to set. I also can not find STLK on the board.