2021-06-14 1:36 AM
hello. I set STM32L476 disco with X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1 together and I want to take an example from touchGFX designer that is planed to run on STM32L496G disco and run the example on the combination I have. this because I will have a custom board with STM32L476 and a screen like X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1. how can I coordinate between the example and the combination I have ?
2021-06-16 1:34 AM
hello. Romain.
I think it is because there is a difference between my configuration and the example.
thanks. eyal.
2021-06-30 8:03 AM
Hi Roamain,
Many Thanks for sharing STM32L496_X_nucleo_AT but after building with zero errors I am getting error when I am going into debug mode. ( please below picture )
I think as in previous case MX25L6433F_STM32L4_NUCLEO, 0x90000000, SPI_FLASH, MX25L6433F_STM32L4_NUCLEO.stldr is missing but as prescribed for STM32G071RB case I am unable to find gcc folder in your workspace from where I can copy this file to cubeide, but please advice me how to resolve this issue.
Other point I observed that when I am opening touch gfx designer from L476_GFX_Nucleo_80MHz\L476_GFX_Nucleo\TouchGFX I found that there is no option for run target, and due to this I am unable to upload and run the target form there also.
VK Verma
2021-07-01 1:22 AM
Hi Romain !
Just to bring into your attention, as i missed to add in the last post.
VK Verma
2021-07-02 1:37 AM
Those projects were not made by the TouchGFX team.
From what you wrote concerning looking for the external loader in the /gcc fodler I understand that you are basing this on the TouchGFX Board Setup (new name for Application Template) for the STM32G0 nucleo available in TouchGFX Designer. The external laoder in that gcc folder is one we (the TouchGFX team) made, and the "Run Target" option is enabled because we have set a makefile under that gcc folder as well. This has not been done in the STM32L496_X_nucleo_AT.
To make sure you have the MX25L6433F_STM32L4_NUCLEO, 0x90000000, SPI_FLASH, MX25L6433F_STM32L4_NUCLEO.stldr external loader navigate to the C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.1\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.6.0.202101291314\tools\bin\ExternalLoader folder. If you do not find it, well i do not know where to get it :grinning_face_with_sweat:. I'll ask around, and in the meantime try to search online if someone has it or if there is a git repository with it.
2021-07-02 8:10 AM
Hi !
Thanks for your attention !
VK Verma