2020-03-18 3:07 AM
I'm a new user of TouchGfx designer. As I'm running a Linux workstation I find it inconvenient to dual boot into Windows for using this tool.
So I have set up a virtual Windows guest on my Linux host.
On my Linux host I have the project files and run the STM32CubeIDE.
I also run a samba service to share the project files to my Windows guest.
On my Windows guest I can access the project files and e.g. double click on the .touchgfxproj file and open the project just fine.
However whenever I try to "Generate code" or "Simulate" I get the following error:
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:215: recipe for target 'images' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(S:\stm32_workspace\prf_prod_test\Middlewares\ST\touchgfx\framework\tools\imageconvert\build\win\imageconvert.out, ../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out -r assets/images -w generated/images, ...) failed.
make (e=5): Access is denied.
If I instead checkout my project files directly to my Windows guest, everything works fine.
As I can understand the only difference should be that the project files on Linux have '\n' line endings while on Windows it is '\r\n'. Could this be the cause? Any other ideas?
2020-03-23 1:55 AM
If anyone else wants the same setup I found a way to handle it.
Given the above setup, As long as I checkout my projects Git repo using my Windows guest. I can then work seamlessly with STM32CubeIDE on Linux and TouchGFX designer on my Windows guest. Still can't understand why I can't checkout my project repo on the Linux host..
2020-04-06 1:55 AM
Linux/Windows workflows are interesting. What exactly is the error you're having in regards to checking out your project? You can force git to respect whatever line endings you want. It shouldn't deny you a checkout, though.
2020-04-06 5:17 AM
Yes, I attempted to use a local .gitattributes to force all line endings to Windows style, except source code *.c *.h files. Still whenever the project is cloned to Linux I get the above error.
The only difference is:
Linux: "git clone <project>" -> use TouchGfx on Windows Guest (through share) -> Fail.
Windows guest: "git clone <project>" -> Use TouchGfx on Windows Guest (still using shared directory) -> Works.
Since the STMCubeIDE does not mind that source code files use Window line ending, even when running on Linux. The setup works. I just can't understand what the problem is.
2020-04-06 5:48 AM
But what is the exact error you're getting on Linux?
2020-04-06 6:18 AM
I do not get any errors on Linux. I only run 'git clone' on Linux. Then the problem arises when I then run TouchGfx designer (on my Windows guest) according to the above error. I.e. opening the touchgfx project file and press "Generate code" or "Simulate".
If I instead run 'git clone' on my Windows guest. Open the touchgfx project file and press "Generate code", the touchgfx code is generated without problems.
2020-04-06 6:40 AM
I don't have my dev environment setup right now for more tests. But it seems likely that the problem could be reproduced on Windows only. Just tell Git to clone the project with Unix line endings and attempt to use TouchGfx designer. It should be exactly the same.