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Can't access

Associate III

I have problem with some website of Touch GFX.

Now i need configure STM32F746 Disco Board using CubeMX and TouchGFX, but i can't access this website.

how to a can access this website ''

or any people have document related, which can share them to me.

Thanks and Best Regards

Karl Yamashita

Are you having issues starting a new project and getting it to compile or show any graphics?

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I have STM32F746 Disco Kit, and i want to configure it with TouchGFX based on CubeMX.

about 2 month ago, i accessed this website normal.


You are correct. The article no longer appears to be available. As a I recall, it was a useful article, which also showed how to setup the QUADSPI.

Adwait Patil

I am facing the same problem.

Can someone from ST please help with this?


as explained in another post, this document is outdated and has been removed. If you still really need it Martin has put it as a pdf in the post linked.
