2019-01-08 11:27 PM
Hello, I was trying to built a CubeMx project with FreeRTOS and STemwin. But I failed to generate a code that works fine automatically straight from CubeMx 5. I am using STM32f469i-Discovery board.
After that I built a CubeMx project that has only FreeRTOS enabled and other peripherals necessary for Stemwin such as RCC, CRC, FMC, DSI-HOST, LTDC, DMA-2D enable along with clock configuration. Now I am trying to add manually the Stemwin Library in Keil MDK5. But still I am not successful.
I have added the Project as attachment.
The BSP setup for LCD is working. I am able to display content using BSP LCD functions. But not able to configure Stemwin Library with FreeRTOS.
Please guide me stepwise how to configure Stemwin Library in a Running FreeRTOS project.