2020-09-24 11:52 AM
I try to build a TouchGFX project with the CubeIDE but during compilation I always get weird errror messages like that:
./TouchGFX/touchgfx/os/OSWrappers.cpp:1:10: fatal error: touchgfx/framework/include/touchgfx/hal/OSWrappers.hpp: No such file or directory
This file is definitely in the project (just like the others which create errors as well). The shortkey F3 guides me to the file. So CubeIDE in principle knows where to find it.
I already included the path - see attachment.
I'm using CubeIDE1.4.2 and TouchGFX 4.13. I know that they are not compatibel but I can't open TouchGFX 4.14. Neither manually nor automatically.
2020-10-04 5:10 PM
Have you refreshed your project in CubeIDE after generating from TouchGFX Designer ?
Could you enclose your CubeMX project to have a better look and understand why it does that for you ?
2020-10-05 3:02 PM
I went through the exact steps I described earlier with the added step of refreshing the project after generating the code with the TouchGFX-Designer. Code now compiles.
I noticed, however, that the external RAM is not being used and there's also no picture on the screen, but that's another problem for a different Thread.
Another project that had this error previously doesn't compile, by the way, despite refreshing it, and since updating from 4.13 to 4.14 also throws these errors during Code generation in TouchGFX:
Post Generate Target
touchgfx update_project --project-file=../JustcomTester_Mk II.ioc --platform=m4
ERROR: "touchgfx update_project" was called with arguments ["II.ioc"]
Usage: "touchgfx update_project --project-file=PROJECT-FILE"
For reference, I have attached the both projects.
2020-10-05 7:24 PM
There's an issue with your .touchgfx file.
The --project-file is wrongly set. You a space between ../JustcomTester_MK and II.ioc
There should be none. II.ioc is not an argument of the touchgfx update_project.
So edit your .touchgfx file and go all the way down.
You will find a line starting like this :
"PostGenerateTargetCommand": "touchgfx update_project --project-file=
Change it to something like
"PostGenerateTargetCommand": "touchgfx update_project --project-file=../JustcomTester_Mk/II.ioc --platform=m4",
You need to reference your .ioc file correctly in the parameter --project-file.
2020-10-06 4:06 AM
Hello, Alexandre,
I tried your recommendation to create the project with CubeMX but I get the same errors just like TSchr.1.
Finally I downgraded CubeIDE to version 1.2.0. In combination with TouchGFX 4.13 I'm able to build the project in CubeIDE when
following the instructions from Karl Yamashita: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12KXreXaLp0
Best Regards
2020-10-06 8:21 AM
When generating a project with CubeMX I get the same errors like doing it with CubeIDE.
Finally I downgraded CubeIDE to version 1.2.0. (using it with TouchGFX 4.13)
I followed the steps described in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12KXreXaLp0
Then I'm able to build and debug the project.
2020-10-06 6:14 PM
So you have missing files errors ? And you refreshed your project like TSchr.1 did ?
2020-10-12 10:48 AM
sorry I can't remember and I deleted the project since it did not work.