2020-05-29 12:38 AM
When starting project STM32CubeMX with H745-Disco in the section Additional Software -Packs a message No Pack Available appears. There is no option other than to manually add Touch GFX. Which makes the use of this board meaningless. With H750-Disco This problem is absent. Please help me how to include Touch GFX in the STM32CubeMX project with H745-Disco. My idea with the purchase of this board to study the use of ТouchGFX and the use of this processor for future projects, but a bad surprise :(
PS: and H747 has the same problem
2020-06-04 12:22 AM
Hello @Panchev68
Well , it's not an issue but for the Dual core, it still not supported, it will be in a next release.
Thanks For your feedback,
Best Regards,
2020-07-24 8:54 AM
After 2 months of waiting, the new release of the STM32Cube again does not support the H745. Apparently this board goes to waste.:pouting_face: