2020-10-06 2:55 AM
I am using the function STM32_AES_CBC_Encrypt from the ST library Crypto 3.1.0. I don't understand why this function doesn't give me an encrypted message which is a multiple of 64 bytes.
For example, I would like to encrypt "thisisatest12345". The function returns a tab which is the same size of the original tab:
Thes encrypted message is "0x1E 0xDD 0x1B 0x2A 0x8B 0xA6 0xDC 0x5E 0xBE 0xD6 0x9D 0x78 0xA4 0xA9 0xCA 0x3B ". Following the website https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/aes-encryption-decryption, the encypted message should be "1EDD1B2A8BA6DC5EBED69D78A4A9CA3B813290DF65F7ABD59239929768C8603F", which is 64 bytes. But, when I transform the encrypted message into Base 64, I have the same result as the previsous website, but there is a missing part:
From website;
From my code:
The beginning is the same, but a part is missing, and I don't know why.
Can you help me, I don't know how to solve this problem.
2020-10-07 3:46 AM
I made some progress concerning this issue. Even the project for the Nucleo F401RE from the ST library doesn't work. I have this warning:
I am working on IAR 8.42.2. Does this problem come from my IAR version or from the ST library ?
2020-10-12 7:51 AM
Hello Emil,
I don't understand your issue on first post. AES constraint is 16 bytes alignment only.
Regarding this wchar_t size, you need to get a patch of the crypto library that includes the binaries compiled with IAR8.
Best regards
2020-10-29 7:57 AM
Hello Jocelyn,
Thanks for your answer. Yes, AES is 16 bytes alignment. I used the cyrptoLib patch V3.1.3 and I don't have the warning anymore.
But I still have a problem: the result of the function " STM32_AES_CBC_Encrypt" always gives me an array which is the same lenght of the entry array. For example, if I have an array of 20 bytes to encrypt, the encrypted result will be also 20 bytes... The result should a multiple of 16 bytes ?
I am working on the stm32l476ccu6.
Does the buffer to be encrypted need to be a multiple of 16 bytes ?
2020-11-04 1:33 AM
I really need an answer because I don't understand how this function works.
2020-11-04 7:13 PM
@emil28 If you encrypt multiples of 16 bytes, do you get correct results ?
-- pa
2020-11-05 12:07 AM
Yes, if I encrypt multiples of 16 bytes, I get the correct results. The function doesn't work if I encrypt an array which is not a multiple of 16 bytes.
2020-11-16 7:08 AM
Another question, is it possible to use PKCS5 padding with this library ? I don't find informations about this in the documentation.
I am a little bit disappointed by the lack of information from ST about this subject...
2020-11-17 5:06 AM
Hello Emil,
I'm not sure to catch your point. If you need to encrypt a buffer that is not aligned with 16 bytes, just pad it to make it aligned and encrypt it.
Best regards
2020-11-17 5:13 AM
Hello Emil,
the documentation of the X-CUBE-CRYPTOLIB is UM1924
The is no PKCS5 mentioned in this documentation meaning this is not supported.
What kind of information would you expect ?
Best regards