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Unable to detect target - STM32H503

Associate II


I have STM32H503 mounted on my board and to trying flash the code via SWD line. However, the tool says target not detected.

The supply lines show 3.3V and boot pin is grounded. 

I am using pins- SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET and GND. 


Illustrate what you've actually done, so we don't have to imagine.

Suggest a large (high resolution), clear and in-focus image of the setup. A schematic of the board, and a wiring diagram communicating what you've wired to what.

Typically either non-viable / un-powered issue where the H5 isn't alive, or a connectivity issue where the wrong pins or voltages are involved.

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@bhoomika_patil wrote:

the tool says . 

What tool? and version?

Please see How to write your question to maximize your chances to find a solution - other missing details:

  • Debug probe used.


@bhoomika_patil wrote:

I am using pins- SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET and GND. 

So you haven't provided a Vtarget link to your debug probe?

See here which refers to this.