I have STM32H503 mounted on my board and to trying flash the code via SWD line. However, the tool says target not detected.
The supply lines show 3.3V and boot pin is grounded.
I am using pins- SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET and GND.
Originally a reply here: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/using-swd-pins-to-flash-code/td-p/759046Split to a new thread as this is a new question.Thank you for the solution. However, I have another doubt here. While referring to: STM32...
But I have configured all other pins in my design and only left alone with SWDIO and SWCLK. So should it be a problem if I want update the firmware using these two pins?
duplicate - mergedThank you for the explanation. However, while referring to STM32H5 MCU hardware development: i came across- The table says that DFU (device firmware update) can be done using PA11/ PA12 for STMH503 series, so does this indicate that...