2018-01-17 1:52 AM
Hello everyone
I have some trouble with the CRC unit on my STM32F407 MCU.
Before each time I am going to use it to calculate a checksum, I reset it and after doing so I double check that the CRC data register (CRC_DR) is as what is expected (just 1s, 0xFFFF_FFFF). This is not always the case and I'm confused why.So far my application, that uses the CRC unit, seems to be working fine. I don't get any false positive errors (i.e. the CRC unit says the checksum was incorrect when it wasn't).I could just ignore this check and hope that nothing is wrong, but I have a bad gut feeling about doing that (something might actually be wrong).I speculate that I perhaps there's a timing issue of some sort. That the CRC unit needs a few more clock cycles before its data register has the correct reset value.
Do you have any ideas about what could be wrong?
I would really appreciate any help with this issue.
Best regards
Before I use the CRC unit, I enable the CRC clock by setting CRCEN bit in RCC_AHB1ENR and then I set the CRCRST bit in RCC_AHB1RSTR and then clear it.I reset the CRC by setting the reset bit in the control register of the CRC unit (CRC_CR).#crc #stm32-f42018-01-30 12:52 AM
Hello everybody
Thank you for your responses.
I believe that I've solved the problem.
I changed my reset function. Instead of just checking the CRC return value (the DR registry) once right after the CRC reset (writing a 1 to the reset bit in the CR registry), I added a for loop that does this check twice.
If the check returns the correct value, the reset function returns successfully. If both of these attempts return an incorrect answer the function will throw a run-time exception. So far, the latter has never happened so I believe I have solved the problem. My guess is that the CRC unit simply needed a few extra clock cycles to reset properly.I hope that this can help.
Best regards
2018-01-30 2:20 AM
My guess is that the CRC unit simply needed a few extra clock cycles to reset properly.
This is what I've said in
linked to above, except that I didn't attempt to read back (I see no reason to do that), just dumped data on it, as expected functionality-wise.I'd l¤ve to hear ST to comment in a relevant way.