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STM32U5 / Nucleo : ADC1 & DMA linked list and TrustZone: failed to sample, "USEF" DMA error

Associate II


{EDIT 2] : I fixed few typo, and also fixed my explanation : I made few confusion when reporting my notes ==> both DMA channel 10 source and destination are secure, with source == ADC1 channel 10 and destination (via linked list) is a buffer in SRAM3.

A bit of context: I have to start ADC conversion on 3 channels, with ADC1, and it must be done in Secure world.

To do things step by step I first started with no TrustZone activated, and from STM32CubeMX I successfully generated code to use ADC1 on 3 channels, with DMA in linked list mode, without Trust Zone activated.

Note: the code generated by MX does not include anything to "link" the ADC1 with the DMA linked list, so I had to take the code from the example available "ADC DMA transfer" in MCU package. It means I had to add this piece of code in the main function of the project:



__HAL_LINKDMA(&hadc1, DMA_Handle, handle_GPDMA1_Channel10);
if (HAL_DMAEx_List_LinkQ(&handle_GPDMA1_Channel10, &ADCQueue) != HAL_OK)
if (HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1,
(uint32_t *)aADCxConvertedData,
) != HAL_OK)



(and I had to add the C files "linked_list.c" from the example of MCU package).

All of this work fine without TrustZone : I can put break point in the Channel10 IRQ handler and see I regularly enter it and the buffer provided to the DMA linked list is filled with data from channel 0, 1 and 2 as expected.

This is really nice, so I started a new MX project, this time with TrustZone activated. I set ADC1 to Secure, configure it the same way as above (aka 3 channels etc.), configured DMA channel 10 to be secure/non privileged, circular mode etc. That is I configured the same behaviour as without TrustZone.

I generate code, for IAR ide. Here again, the code to glue ADC and DMA linked list is not generated (I think I should create a 2nd post for this issue, this will be done later), so I add it manually.

Since the SRAM3 is secured, I configure my DMA channel this way:
- non privileged (done by generated code)
- secure (done by generated code)
- source is secured : this is not done by MX, I have to do it manually
- destination is secured : this is not done by MX, I have to do it manually





All in all it looks fine, I build and run : and of course it does not work :D : I enter only one time the DMA IRQ handler, the method  "HAL_DMA_IRQHandler" is detecting an error "User Setting Error Interrupt management" (this is the comment in C code. But if you go to headers you will read "User Setting Error Interrupt enable"). And the buffer I expect to see filled with data from ADC is not updated at all : it's full of 0.

i tried various investigation, and found:

ERRATA: the call to __HAL_RCC_GTZC1_CLK_ENABLE()   is actually done in HAL_MspInit from file stm32u5xx_hal_msp.c.

- I notice __HAL_RCC_GTZC1_CLK_ENABLE() is not called in generated code MX_GTZC_S_Init : I add it but it makes no difference
- I notice GPIOC port 0, 1 and 2 for channels are not configured as secure (maybe I did not find where ?). So I added in generated code "HAL_ADC_MspInit", but it changes nothing. :




- Found that when using DMA linked list, there is also something to configure for source and destination related to security, so I added this, but it changes nothing

 DMA_NodeConfTypeDef pNodeConfig;
  pNodeConfig.SrcSecure = DMA_CHANNEL_SRC_SEC;
  pNodeConfig.DestSecure = DMA_CHANNEL_DEST_SEC;



ADC1 is set to Secure and non privileged:






Vdda is enabled.

It do not know what to look with this USEF flag, what it means.

Well, right now I do not know how/where to investigate this problem. I'm pretty sure it(s obviously right under my eyes, but I need help here. Maybe everything that should be done is done but not in the correct order ?

Is there anyone with some idea ?

Many thank in advance to you.
