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SFI : Error: RSS internal system error or License is invalid!

Associate III

Device details :

ST-LINK SN : 002F003F3137510539383538


Board    : STLINK-V3SET

Voltage   : 3.76V

SWD freq  : 24000 KHz

Connect mode: Hot Plug

Reset mode : Software reset

Device ID  : 0x480

Revision ID : --

Device name : STM32H7A/B

Flash size : 2 MBytes

Device type : MCU

Device CPU : Cortex-M7

BL Version : 0x91

When trying to program SFI file to device getting below error

Error: SECURITY State Fail
Error: Invalid state after SFI install !
Error: RSS internal system error or License is invalid !

SFI creation :

on0693W00000NrUfRQAV.pngFull logs:

./STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=HOTPLUG -sfi  protocol=static /home/analog/drive/SFIFiles/sbsfu_rdp_bb.sfi  hsm=1 slot=1
                        STM32CubeProgrammer v2.10.0                  
ST-LINK SN  : 002F003F3137510539383538
Board       : STLINK-V3SET
Voltage     : 3.76V
SWD freq    : 24000 KHz
Connect mode: Hot Plug
Reset mode  : Software reset
Device ID   : 0x480
Revision ID : --
Device name : STM32H7A/B
Flash size  : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU  : Cortex-M7
BL Version  : 0x91
  Protocol Information         : static
  SFI File Information         : 
     SFI file path             : /home/analog/drive/SFIFiles/sbsfu_rdp_bb.sfi
     SFI HSM slot ID           : 1
     SFI header information    : 
         SFI protocol version        : 2
         SFI total number of areas   : 9
         SFI image version           : 2
     SFI Areas information     : 
     Parsing Area 1/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 688
         Area destination address    : 0x8000000
     Parsing Area 2/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 20400
         Area destination address    : 0x8000400
     Parsing Area 3/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 2704
         Area destination address    : 0x8006000
     Parsing Area 4/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 176
         Area destination address    : 0x8007000
     Parsing Area 5/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 72848
         Area destination address    : 0x8007100
     Parsing Area 6/9    : 
         Area type                   : P
         Area size                   : 32
         Area destination address    : 0x81ff000
     Parsing Area 7/9    : 
         Area type                   : R
         Area size                   : 32
         Area destination address    : 0x81ff000
     Parsing Area 8/9    : 
         Area type                   : F
         Area size                   : 29024
         Area destination address    : 0x8028000
     Parsing Area 9/9    : 
         Area type                   : C
         Area size                   : 36
         Area destination address    : 0x0
Reading the chip Certificate...
Requesting Chip Certificate from device ...
Get Certificate done successfully
requesting license for the current STM32 device
Init Communication ...
ldm_LoadModule(): loading module "./" ... 
ldm_LoadModule: OK loading library "./": 0x018ED970 ... 
C_GetFunctionList() returned 0x00000000, g_pFunctionList=0x5F696060
P11 lib initialization Success!
Opening session with solt ID 1...
Succeed to Open session with reader solt ID 1
Succeed to generate license for the current STM32 device
Closing session with reader slot ID 1...
Session closed with reader slot ID 1
Closing communication with HSM...
Communication closed with HSM
Succeed to get License for Firmware from HSM slot ID 1
Starting Firmware Install operation...
Activating security...
Warning: Option Byte: SECURITY, value: 0x1, was not modified.
Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.002
Activating security Success
Setting write mode to SFI
Warning: Option Byte: SECURITY, value: 0x1, was not modified.
Warning: Option Byte: ST_RAM_SIZE, value: 0x3, was not modified.
Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.002
Succeed to set write mode for SFI
Starting SFI part 1
Writing license to address 0x24020800
Writing Img header to address 0x24021000
Writing areas and areas wrapper...
RSS process started...
RSS command execution OK
RSS complete Value = 0x16
ST-LINK SN  : 002F003F3137510539383538
Board       : STLINK-V3SET
Voltage     : 3.76V
SWD freq    : 24000 KHz
Connect mode: Hot Plug
Reset mode  : Software reset
Device ID   : 0x480
Revision ID : --
Reconnected !
Error: SECURITY State Fail
Error: Invalid state after SFI install !
Error: RSS internal system error or License is invalid !
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.019
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.028
Waiting 8s for end of regression...
Display OB after Abort for sanity check
   Read Out Protection:
     RDP          : 0xAA (Level 0, no protection) 
   BOR Level:
     BOR_LEV      : 0x0 (reset level OFF) 
   User Configuration:
     IWDG1_SW     : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is controlled by software) 
     NRST_STOP    : 0x1 (STOP mode on Domain 1 is entering without reset) 
     NRST_STBY    : 0x1 (STANDBY mode on Domain 1 is entering without reset) 
     VDDMMC_HSLV  : 0x0 (I/O speed optimization at low-voltage disabled) 
     IWDG_FZ_STOP : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is running in STOP mode) 
     IWDG_FZ_SDBY : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is running in STANDBY mode) 
     SECURITY     : 0x1 (Security feature enabled) 
     VDDIO_HSLV   : 0x0 (Product working in the full voltage range,I/O speed optimization at low-voltage disabled) 
     SWAP_BANK_OPT: 0x0 (after boot loading, no swap for user sectors) 
   Boot address Option Bytes:
     BOOT_CM7_ADD0: 0x800  (0x8000000) 
     BOOT_CM7_ADD1: 0x1FF0  (0x1FF00000) 
   PCROP Protection:
     PROT_AREA_START1: 0x777  (0x8077700) 
     PROT_AREA_END1: 0x0  (0x80000FF) 
     DMEP1        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 1 PCROP zone is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
     PROT_AREA_START2: 0x777  (0x8177700) 
     PROT_AREA_END2: 0x0  (0x81000FF) 
     DMEP2        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 2 PCROP zone is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
   Secure Protection:
     SEC_AREA_START1: 0x777  (0x8077700) 
     SEC_AREA_END1: 0x0  (0x80000FF) 
     DMES1        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 1 secure area is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
     SEC_AREA_START2: 0x777  (0x8177700) 
     SEC_AREA_END2: 0x0  (0x81000FF) 
     DMES2        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 2 secure area is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
   DTCM RAM Protection:
     ST_RAM_SIZE  : 0x3 (16 KB) 
   Write Protection:
     nWRP0        : 0x1 (Write protection not active) 
     nWRP63       : 0x1 (Write protection not active) 
Error: /home/analog/drive/SFIFiles/sbsfu_rdp_bb.sfi SFI file Install Operation Failure! Please, try again

Chloe Meunier
ST Employee


the problem comes from the compability of SFI with your board . STM32H7A/B are not yet compatible with SFI.

The STM32H7A3xI/G, STM32H7B0xB and STM32H7B3xI device errata mention this incompability paragraph 2.2.3.



Thanks Chloé

​For pointing me to compatibility page. What you suggest the direction forward, is there a workaround to program this files on device.

Associate III

@Chloe Meunier​ 

Also CC @Jocelyn RICARD​  @Fred​ ​ 

I tried on dev kit able to program SFI on STM32H7B3I-DK it seems to work which has a Bootloader version 0x90. 0693W00000NrrKvQAJ.png 

I am a bit confused now with

The STM32H7A3xI/G, STM32H7B0xB and STM32H7B3xI device errata mention this incompatibility paragraph 2.2.3.

What is not supported/partially compatible?

Database: Config 0 is active.
Warning: Option Byte: SECURITY, value: 0x1, was not modified.
Warning: Option Byte: ST_RAM_SIZE, value: 0x3, was not modified.
Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
Time elapsed during option Bytes configuration: 00:00:00.005
Succeed to set write mode for SFI
Starting SFI part 1
Writing license to address 0x24020800
Writing Img header to address 0x24021000
Writing areas and areas wrapper...
all areas processed
RSS process started...
halt ap 0
run ap 0
RSS command execution OK
Warning: Could not verify security state after last chunk programming
SFI Process Finished!
SFI file c:/drive/sfifiles/sbsfu_bb.sfi Install Operation Success
Time elapsed during SFI install operation: 00:00:01.528

Looks like this is been fixed on BL version 9.2 and RSS 3.1.0 for revision X. However my dev board has BL version 9.0

0693W00000NrwDkQAJ.pngHoping to get a bit more insights about the errata few features of SFI not supported or SFI as a whole.


Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ ,

You can experiment SFI at development stage with your bootloader version but it will not be 100% reliable. You may see some corrupted data in flash.

Also, new version should improve flashing speed.

Best regards


@Jocelyn RICARD​  thanks,

As this is part of the STM system bootloader which we can't change I assume. what would you suggest moving to a different SKU of H7?.