2024-07-30 1:44 AM
Hello ST Community,
Can we apply Secure Boot on the STM32C031 family? I didn't find anything on the documentation. If not, what are the product series where we can apply Secure Boot?
Thank you.
2024-08-16 8:48 AM
Hi @ouss_mans
The STM32C0 family is not listed among the series that support SBSFU. I will check internally if any implementation is planned !!!
Best regards
2024-08-16 2:19 PM
Generally the Elliptic Curve and hashing / signing functions are large and slow.
Can they be used on CM0(+) parts, sure but you're apt to get headaches from the overheads.
A 16KB part is rather challenging, the HAL and float library are going to make quite a dent before you've done anything.