2022-02-16 2:57 AM
1. I need to implement SBSFU (Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update) in my Nucleo STM32H743ZI Board, but the SBSFU package is available for STM32H753ZI, STM32H7B3I-DK, STM32H750B-DK board. So Which Package is best for the Nucleo STM32H743ZI board? what changes need for implementing that package in my Nucleo STM32H743ZI board. Please suggest the changes so, I can run SBSFU in the Nucleo STM32H743ZI board.
I have STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU_v2.6.0.
2022-02-16 3:01 AM
to simplify, STM32H743ZI is basically STM32H753ZI without the crypto accelerators.
So, if you start from STM32H753ZI, the porting should be smooth.
Thanks & regards,
2022-02-18 3:19 AM
Hello @pragnesh ,
to complete answer from @Fred , STM32H743 is also missing the secure memory management.
So you will not be able to activate this protection.
Other protections remain available of course.
Best regards
2022-04-19 1:03 AM
I am starting implementing SBSFU (Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update) in my Nucleo STM32H743ZI Board. I have STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU_v2.6.0. I am taking Reference for Nucleo STM32H753ZI MCU with 2_Images example.
=> After Debug STM32H753ZI-Nucleo_2_Images_UserApp in the STM32H743ZI board, for the very first time Green LED blinks and code run in FW_APP_Run(); infinity loop but it does not show Log properly in Tera term I will attach Images for reference. Once I will Push Reset button or unplug and plug ST-Link (USB) then it goes in location 0xfffffffe as shown below.
Thread #1 [main] 1 [core: 0] (Suspended : Signal : SIGTRAP:Trace/breakpoint trap)
<signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9
@Jocelyn RICARD
2022-04-19 1:34 AM
1. For the clock configuration, I recommend using CubeMX.
You can create a basic CubeMX project just to generate the clock as per your clock tree configuration.
Then you generate the oce and copy/paste only the clock configuration function form the generated CubeMX project to X-CUBE-SBSFU projects.
If you are not familiar with STM32CubeMX then you can follow this quick tutorial:
STM32StepByStep:Step2 Blink LED - stm32mcu
2. For the option bytes, you can refer to section 8.1 in this UM:
Getting started with the X-CUBE-SBSFU STM32Cube Expansion Package - User manual
It is not perfect but it gives a reference.
Then, if something goes wrong it should be captured by the SBSFU project when checking the option bytes at startup.
2022-10-12 10:31 PM
@Fred @Jocelyn RICARD @pragnesh
I am also implementing 2 image SBSFU on NUCLEO-H743ZI using STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU_V2.6.1.
I read all the SBSFU-related documents. I read the SBSFU integration guide also.
Q1.would you like to confirm that the only changes that need to be done are
Q2. What else do I need to make changes?
Q3. Do I need to change in "Memory mapping definition" as mentioned in the SBSFU integration guide?
Please answer the above questions.
without your help, I will not be able to do it. so please help me.
Thanking you
2022-10-12 11:33 PM
the STM32 naming convention can help you to confirm what you need to do.
You move from a H753ZI to H743ZI.
Due to the absence of Security Memory Management on H743, you also need to do without it.
Thanks & regards,