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Question on Device unique key pair on STM32U585


The STM32U585 chip comes with a pre provisioned device unique public / private key pair which can be used for SFI.
Is there a way to be able to work with this key pair outside of SFI for our own custom use case?
I know that we can export the device certificate from the stm32u585 using cubeprogrammer's getcertificate (-gc) command and this certificate would contain the device unique public key.
Is there an API that allows us to work with the private key? Not looking to export or read the private key, but if I were to encrypt using the public key, is there an API that we could use to decrypt using the device unique private key?

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @abhkr24 ,

Unfortunately this private key can only be used in SFI context, so it cannot be used by your firmware.

Best regards
