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Prevent unauthorised Firmware updates using USB DFU


Title edited to be more descriptive than just "USB"


I Need help, My application Requires  Firmware updates using USB DFU Mode, and planning to make a custom Pc software that updates code using USB. How can I Make sure that only my Pc software should have access to connect the STM 32 using USB and update the code , How i can implement this security feature in My application? Does the USB library provide any authentication techniques So that I can integrate it for My custom application?

Thanks and Regards 



Newer STM32 chips (i.e. STM32N6) have more advanced and complicated security settings like this. I would suggest reading up on those and determining if those are sufficient. Also read up on SBSFU to see if that is acceptable.

X-CUBE-SBSFU - Secure boot & secure firmware update software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics


In general, if someone wants to change the firmware on a chip, you are not going to be able to fully prevent it. Consider the case where the chip is physically replaced.

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SBSFU examples are there for Y modem Protocol for updates Is it Possible for USB DFU?

Principal III

You may start with the How to use the ST Open Bootloader for STM32 Microc... - STMicroelectronics Community code and extend that to your needs. 

There are 3rd party bootloaders like homepage [OpenBLT Bootloader] which has a dual (commercial/open source) licensing model. Here they are discussing security features: Security options of the OpenBLT bootloader - Feaser Developer Blog

