2022-05-26 1:13 AM
I do have the document UM2262 which describes the SBSFU expansion package, but it only gives a fairly brief explanation of the prepareimage tool.
2022-06-29 5:08 AM
Hello @FOCal.1 ,
there is no specific document related to this tool.
You can launch python prepareimage.py -h to get all commands
You can also get help for each command using prepareimage.py <cmd> -h
For instance:
python prepareimage.py keygen -h
usage: prepareimage.py keygen [-h] -k filename -t type
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k filename, --key filename
-t type, --type type
But to get the possible types for this specific command, you will need to check inside prepareimage.py:
keygenp.add_argument('-t', '--type', metavar='type',
choices=['aes-gcm', 'ecdsa-p256','aes-cbc','aes-ctr'],
Best regards
2024-07-02 1:54 AM
Hello @Jocelyn RICARD ,
Can you please elaborate on the meaning of "outfile" and "offset file".
diff.add_argument('-1', '--file1', type=str, metavar='filename', required=True, help="first binary file to compare")
diff.add_argument('-2', '--file2', type=str, metavar='filename', required=True, help="second binary file to compare")
diff.add_argument('-p', '--poffset', type=str, metavar='filename', required=True, help="file that will contain offset at which the difference binary files should be applied")
diff.add_argument('-b', '--begin', type=auto_int, metavar='filename', default='0x0', required=False, help="offset from which beginning comparison - in bytes (default: 0)")
diff.add_argument('-e', '--end', type=auto_int, metavar='filename', default='0x0', required=False, help="offset at which ending comparison - in bytes. use 0 to specify end of given binary files (default: 0)")
diff.add_argument('-a', '--align', type=int, metavar='align', default=2, required=False, help="difference binary file alignment in bytes (default: 2)")