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Has anyone ported sbsfu on stm32h723xx ?

Associate II

Hello everyone,

I am trying to port the SBSFU project to a stm32h723xx board from the stm32h753xx project but I have discovered many discrepancies because the latter has dual bank flash while the former has only one flash bank.

Do you suggest to start from a single bank MCU's project and then adapt the drivers or do you have any better ideas?

Thank you!

ST Employee

Hello @matteochen​ ,

the SBSFU is not generally using dual bank feature, as in bank swapping for example. Only RWW.

I believe stm32h753 is a good starting point, but you need to adjust the image sizes and all the linker settings.

If you start from a single bank product like for example G031 you'd find many features missing. L4 is even more different.



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Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @matteochen​ ,

I confirm my colleague's statement, STM32H753 is a good starting point. As well as STM32H7B3.

The modification of the flash driver to make it single bank compatible is quite simple actually.

Now, one important point to raise. The STM32H723 does not implement security features as other 2.

I mean secure access mode.

The crypto enabled part STM32H733 provides it.

Best regards


Associate II

@JHOUD​ @Jocelyn RICARD​ Thank you very much for your help!