2021-01-05 8:02 AM
During the workshop itself, I had some problems with some of the example files not having correct access rights to allow the workshop changes to be made.
We worked around that during the workshop.
Now I have just come back to the STM32Cube IDE; it started up with the last 2 workshop projects still open (as would be expected). But when I tried to close these projects, I got the following errors:
It seems that the whole workshop folder tree was installed with only 'Read' access for Users:
Giving 'Full Control' stopped the problems:
Hopefully this will be of help if anyone else is having the same problem.
But the question remains: why did the stuff get installed with these inappropriate settings?
This is on a standalone Win10-Pro.
2021-01-06 11:31 PM
Hello Andrew,
After creating any directory you get this behavior. I mean : creator owner can modify whereas Users can only read.
So, I guess you didn't use the same user account between package installation and usage.
Is that the case?
Best regards
2021-01-15 2:39 AM
No, I used exactly the same account for installing and using - that's the strange part.
2021-01-15 3:07 AM
I've just downloaded the latest STM32CubeIDE, and installed it.
Now I'm getting the same again:
Again: downloaded, extracted, and installed all with the same login.
2021-01-18 5:05 AM
Hello Andrew,
your issue seems related to a specific Windows policy.
I would suggest checking this with your IT
Best regards