2023-01-21 3:01 AM
I've two STM32 development kit and would like to implement and test the secure boot loader, however it's not working. There is NO serial print after programming boot loader G0_BL.bin load or Application G0_App4BL.bin. I read the location of 0x08000000 and 0x08008200, i see there exists code.
The code i've referred is from the below video
Video reference: Security Part4 - STM32 security in practice - 10 Simple boot loader lab
The development kits i'm using are
Can you please help me here what i'm missing.
Thanks & Regards
2023-01-21 3:26 AM
Hello Rajesh,
This is normal it does not work as this is not the same ship.
For STM32WB55 please download X-CUBE-SBSFU here
This is the secureboot package that addresses all STM32 families except Cortex-M33 based STM32.
For STM32U5, as it is based on Cortex-M33, you will have to use the secure boot provided in the STM32Cube here
Best regards
2023-01-22 4:14 AM
2023-01-23 12:21 AM
Hello Rajesh,
In order to make things secure, the SBSFU uses secure protections.
One important protection used is the RDP that makes flash access through JTAG no more possible.
So, there is no way to update through JTAG/SWD.
One way to update the firmware provided in SBSFU is through UART and Ymodem protocol. This protocol is available in teraterm for instance.
Best regards
2023-02-13 5:16 AM
2023-02-13 6:06 AM
Hello @rdund.1
Could you please be more specific about the issue you have.
What project are you trying to compile ?
What is the version of IAR you are using?
Beware that taking a very recent version of IAR may not work as code was compiled already some time ago...
Best regards
2023-02-13 7:30 AM
2023-02-13 8:09 AM
Hello @rdund.1 ,
in release notes in
STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.1.1\Projects\Release_Notes.html you can read:
Development Toolchains and Compilers
On my side I can compile successfully with
So, I would advise trying to get earlier version of IAR.
Best regards
2023-02-14 8:57 PM
2023-02-15 2:44 AM
Hello @rdund.1,
Yes, you are right, the SBSFU is only supported by IAR in current STM32CubeU5.
But a new STM32CubeU5 1.2.0 release is in the pipe and will be available very soon (probably beginning of next week).
This release will provide a STM32CubeIDE project to build SBSFU.
So, it should solve your issue
Best regards