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ANSSI certification for STM32U5

Associate II

Hi, I'm quite familiar with STM32 trustzone features. Also I know due to there's a random number generator it should be ANSSI capable. But I can't find anywhere a text "ANSSI". Have you as a ST already applied a ANSSI certificate for STM32U545 or any plan to apply?

Associate II

Maybe my question wasn't precise enough and maybe ANSSI certification is not familiar to you. In a case ANSSI certification is not applied by you do you think you could confirm and prove a random number generator in -U5 is NIST SP 800-90c compliant with NIST SPA800-90A/B/c and BSI AIS 20/31 specifications.

∗ A functional description must be provided.

∗ The output must be continually tested. The specifications must explicitly explain what is tested and how the tests are performed.

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @Jouni_S ,

is this what you are looking for ?

Cryptographic Module Validation Program | CSRC (

The STM32U545 should arrive soon in this list.

Best regards


Thanks Jocelyn, I think that is the one event though not yet got a confirmation from our security engineer. Document inside a certification anyway "referenced as STM32U5x", but maybe likes to see -U54x on a table as well.

Also just noted a good list about RNG features from one of  your AN (chapter 5.4/page 25): Migration from STM32L5 series to STM32U5 series microcontrollers - Application note

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @Jouni_S ,

This STM32U54x RNG certification should come soon. It is a matter of update.

I guess this document can also be useful

Best regards


Associate II

Hello @Jocelyn RICARD , documentation itself was clear but how about the RNG certification is it already completed?

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello  @Jouni_S ,

The AN4230 is not yet published with update because it is waiting for other inputs for other STM32.

Now, certification documents are available.

You can find here the list of certifications available.

Here is a capture


Then from this page you can access to certification documents.

For the U545 this is this page

From this you can access to the associated document by clicking on Public Use Document.

In this document you will find the RNG configuration used.

I hope this answers your question

Best regards
