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ANSSI certification for STM32U5

Associate II

Hi, I'm quite familiar with STM32 trustzone features. Also I know due to there's a random number generator it should be ANSSI capable. But I can't find anywhere a text "ANSSI". Have you as a ST already applied a ANSSI certificate for STM32U545 or any plan to apply?

Associate II

Maybe my question wasn't precise enough and maybe ANSSI certification is not familiar to you. In a case ANSSI certification is not applied by you do you think you could confirm and prove a random number generator in -U5 is NIST SP 800-90c compliant with NIST SPA800-90A/B/c and BSI AIS 20/31 specifications.

∗ A functional description must be provided.

∗ The output must be continually tested. The specifications must explicitly explain what is tested and how the tests are performed.

Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @Jouni_S ,

is this what you are looking for ?

Cryptographic Module Validation Program | CSRC (

The STM32U545 should arrive soon in this list.

Best regards


Thanks Jocelyn, I think that is the one event though not yet got a confirmation from our security engineer. Document inside a certification anyway "referenced as STM32U5x", but maybe likes to see -U54x on a table as well.

Also just noted a good list about RNG features from one of  your AN (chapter 5.4/page 25): Migration from STM32L5 series to STM32U5 series microcontrollers - Application note