2023-01-09 8:02 AM
Why there are two pending registers for interrupt? One of them is EXTI_PR and other one is Interrupt Set-pending Registers(ISPR) which is in NVIC controller registers.?
What is the diffrence between them?
Thanks in advance
2023-01-24 6:40 AM
Hey @Sarra.S
IRQn_Type is an enum, Here is a picture from stm32f030x8.h :
as you can see in the picture I cant choose a specific line, only a vector, e.g EXTI4_15_IRQn which is coresponding to all the lines 4-15. so I dont really understand how can I use this function to a specific line?
thank you for your time!!
2023-01-24 8:49 PM
To clear one EXTI source you use __HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_IT or call HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler. No need to clear the NVIC interrupt, it should clear itself as soon as the EXTI drops its interrupt request.