2022-02-16 11:20 AM
I measure the execution time of a function by putting the toggle of a digital output and the function call into a cycle and measuring the period of the square wave at the digital output with an oscilloscope. The execution time is half a period.
To test the procedure, I used instead of the function a dummy code (see main function in the annex execution_time_main.c) where the cnt_max parameter allows me to vary the amount of code to execute.
The measured periods are visible in the attachment CRAZY_TIMES.jpg
I do not understand why both with the ARM V5 and V6 compiler in Keil uVision the trend of the periods is that shown in the attachment CRAZY_TIMES.jpg
2022-02-16 2:55 PM
I wondered that I made some mistake in my clock_configure function so I disabled it leaving the default clock initialization (now SYSCLK frequency = 16 MHz and not 216 MHz as before, ...)
#if 0
The measured periods are visible in the attachment CRAZY_TIMES_2.jpg
I do not understand why (now i tested only with the ARM V5 compiler) the trend of the periods is that shown in the attachment CRAZY_TIMES_2.jpg
just to make sure, I have also determined the periods using the debugger and they are in very good agreement with the measurements made with the oscilloscope.
So the problem is not in my clock_configure_function or in the oscilloscope.
2022-02-16 3:19 PM
Could you look at the generated code?
Alignment, caching, flash line placement?
Could you run without the debugger?
Could you run all the tests using a singular function, feeding that the iteration count, and self-timing via the DWT CYCCNT machine cycle counter?
2022-02-16 3:35 PM
Showing disassembly would be insightful. So would putting the delay into a function and calling that multiple times within the same program with different values. Could be the compiler rearranging things based on the compiled value.
2022-02-16 4:21 PM
If I had to guess you probably having the tick interrupt running in the background, and sometimes it happens during your timing, and sometimes it does not. (Or maybe some other interrupt.)
2022-02-17 7:01 AM
Thanks Tesla DeLorean, TDK and KiptonM for the time you are dedicating to me.
Before answering you, I wanted to simplify the code as much as possible. See the attachment execution_time_main_#1.c.
When the line marked with @ 1 was commented, see the attachment execution_time_main_#2.c the period in the case of test case 10 went from 20.3 ms to 6.87 ms.
I find it incomprehensible since this line is not inside the while loop of the Dummy code.
The periods measured for all test cases are visible in the attachment CRAZY_TIMES_3.jpg
Now I turn to the answers to your questions.
2022-02-17 7:07 AM
2022-02-17 7:12 AM
2022-02-17 9:32 AM
DWT->CYCCNT is a 32-bit cycle counter built into the debug core of the CM3/4/7 processor.
Pull an ARM Technical Reference Manual to familiarize yourself with it.
uint32_t start, finish, total;
start = DWT->CYCCNT;
finish= DWT->CYCCNT;
total = finish - start; // machine cycles, give-or-take for call, execution, return, couple of load/stores potentially
Suggesting using ONE function, compiled once, so as to remove potential changes in code/placement from one compilation to the next, and so you can time 1000, 1000000 iterations with exactly the same thing instead of introducing a lot on unknowns, and pondering them. You could also disable interrupts across the test to remove those as distractions.
2022-02-18 10:58 AM