2022-08-09 3:42 AM
Hi everyone, I'm tryin to learn how to use stm32f4 boards. But I have a problem when I create new project libraries file doesn't exist as it was. I did not see problem like this before while using stm32f1xx series, and also there is a warning like this. Please help me
2022-08-15 9:57 AM
Looks like you are using TrueSTUDIO. Not STM32CubeIDE right?
The warning you see is because the local varliable data is not used in this function. Not necessarily a problem when executing the example. More a remark that the code could be improved...
I don't understand what you mean with:
"But I have a problem when I create new project libraries file doesn't exist as it was. I did not see problem like this before while using stm32f1xx series".
In your screenshot I don't see any error at all.
2022-08-15 10:41 AM
Is the variable used or not?
Warnings are there to be informative, in case you missed something, or that the logic eliminates things.
The code may be a hold over from a prior iteration, or be there for a different build option, we other code is taken or ignored based on a top level define, or build for Debug vs Release.
Learn to differentiate Warnings from Errors
Learn to read/walk Code, and discern intent.