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while launching new project, libraries file does not exist

Associate III

Hi everyone, I'm tryin to learn how to use stm32f4 boards. But I have a problem when I create new project libraries file doesn't exist as it was. I did not see problem like this before while using stm32f1xx series, and also there is a warning like this. Please help me0693W00000QNI1gQAH.png

mattias norlander
ST Employee

Looks like you are using TrueSTUDIO. Not STM32CubeIDE right?

The warning you see is because the local varliable data is not used in this function. Not necessarily a problem when executing the example. More a remark that the code could be improved...

I don't understand what you mean with:

"But I have a problem when I create new project libraries file doesn't exist as it was. I did not see problem like this before while using stm32f1xx series".

In your screenshot I don't see any error at all.

Is the variable used or not?

Warnings are there to be informative, in case you missed something, or that the logic eliminates things.

The code may be a hold over from a prior iteration, or be there for a different build option, we other code is taken or ignored based on a top level define, or build for Debug vs Release.

Learn to differentiate Warnings from Errors

Learn to read/walk Code, and discern intent.

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