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MCSDK - 6.3.2 PWM pin order


I have a custom design using SDK 6.3.2 that was started by modifying the board files from NUCLEO-L476RG and X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1. When the custom board was designed, the Phase order was changed from default (U/W flipped):

TIM1_CH3/3N, ADC1_IN1 Current - Phase U

TIM1_CH2/2N, ADC1_IN2 Current - Phase V

TIM1_CH1/1N, ADC1_IN3 Current - Phase W

The ADCs for current seem to remap just fine, but it looks like PWMs are expecting to be in order: U,V,W even though the SDK lets you map the boards however you want. I believe this is configured in the code here which doesn't change when I generate the project regardless if I select 1/2/3 or 3/2/1 in the configuration. Nowhere does PhA get swapped for PhC as far as I can tell. 


Also of note the SDK 5.4.8 sets a fixed order for PWM channels where as 6.3.2 lets you specify whatever you want in the GUI without checks. Is this perhaps a level of configuration offered by the new SDK that isn't supported by the libraries, but isn't checked for validity? I'd like to confirm before I need to re-spin the board.
