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Where is timer clock source documented?

For example timer A: is it low-speed (APB1) 'APB1 timer clock' or high-speed APB2 'APB2 timer clock'?

I read the timer and RCC sections but could not figure this out...

Can you tell me where this is documented?



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Other STM32 parts, where the RM covers a few dozen varied ICs, you get referred to the DS


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There is typical a Clock Tree diagram, a diagram of which TIM/peripherals are on which bus, and the RCC_APBxENR registers also infer which TIM is on each bus based on which bus clock that needs to be enabled.

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What is timer A?


Arbitrary timer A... WHERE is diagram showing which peripheral is on which clock tree?

I just found the timer clock sources in tabular form in the datasheet (not in reference manual where I searched).

Next stop - is a #define for the timer clock frequency output by the CubeMX tool for each timer?

ST likes diagrams for the kidz that can't read good and stuff, here from a Reference Manual for an arbitrary STM32 part.


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Other STM32 parts, where the RM covers a few dozen varied ICs, you get referred to the DS


but also


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Yup, missed that bit in the Device Overview block diagram...

Note, that these are SoC, i.e. IP modules thrown relatively loosely together, and sewn by a fabric of buses and interconnections. Now the documentation follows this pattern, i.e. the IP modules (e.g. timer, SPI, UART, etc.) have their own chapter, but the interconnections are documented poorly and pieces of information of this character are scattered around the RM. In some families' RMs there is an Interconnection chapter, but that usually leaves lots of these information out too.

In other words, yes, you ought to read the manual back to back (or at least all chapters which are related to modules you are using) (oh, yes, the dreaded reading!)


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

CubeMX can show the clocks tree very nicely, if you use it.

/* Some time ago there was a request to display the clock and frequency info in CubeMx GUI for timers, to save users time from digging in the manuals ... but given the overall situation, I'm not holding my breath */

-- pa

Khouloud GARSI
Lead II

Hi @Dave Nadler​ ,

You may have a look on "RCC_APB1ENR" and "RCC_APB2ENR" registers in the reference manual.

Example: "RCC_APB1ENR " register shows the peripherals connected to the APB1 bus (screenshot taken from STM32F2 RM).

