2020-01-16 3:39 AM
11:17:48:304 : Serial Port COM8 is successfully opened.
11:17:48:304 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 9600, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
11:17:48:304 : No Init bits value is : 0
11:17:48:304 : Sending init command:
11:17:48:304 : byte 0x7F sent successfully to target
11:17:49:304 : Wait ends after 1 loop, dataready = 0, delay = 1000
11:17:49:305 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
11:17:49:305 : No response from target received
11:17:49:306 : byte 0x7F sent successfully to target
11:17:49:404 : Wait ends after 1 loop, dataready = 0, delay = 100
11:17:49:405 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
11:17:49:406 : No response from target received
11:17:49:406 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...
2020-01-16 6:16 AM
Hello @Nmv1608 ,
Which STM32CubeProgrammer version are using ? If you are using an old version, please try to use the latest version V 2.3.0.
Then, please let us know if the issue still exist with the last version.
Best Regards,
2020-01-16 6:41 AM
I tried it with the latest version of STM32CubeProgrammer version 2.3.0, but the problem still exists. Looks like the uart is blocked.
2020-02-06 5:45 AM
Please check the board user manual and AN2606 to verify the connection of connector to the UART bootloader.
2020-02-06 6:08 AM
Is the target really in system bootloader mode ?
Are the connections to the target correct ? Check up to the MCU pin.
It is common to need several tries to establish connection.