2019-03-19 1:40 PM
I made a very simple code following youtube tutorial.
I made it work a month ago.
I come back and run it in debug mode, it works.
I want to make a change in the PWM's length. It doesn't change. I notice the debug mode saying that my source files a are newer than my executable. I "clean project" and rebuild.
Now I get this: wtf ?
I checked the file mentionned. It does not exist. There is PWM_Tutorial.elf.Launch.
It's a simple PWM code. Every thing is generated by CubeMX. I only added those 2 lines :
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1); //Start the timers
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_4);
Theses lines enabled my project to work. So they should be good.
Thank you for your help.
Edit: sorry I forgot to upload the picture:p
2019-03-19 2:56 PM
probably some files were moved to different directory, or when doing a find in files, a different version/tree of the source code was opened which is not related to the right project directory.
Easy test is to edit the code with something that the compiler should detect as error (missing ; )
If it compiles still ok, the modified source is not part of the project.
Maybe moving the IOC file or project file, or changing settings of the default directories is screwed up.
2019-03-19 6:46 PM
Ok, the narrative of woe doesn't really tell us much, I'm not familiar with the video or the project.
What error? Perhaps I missed the specific call out of the message? That the files changed or the rebuild failed?
Tool chains are usually pretty good at looking at file dates and making determinations, no idea how you left things a month ago, or what tool chain is involved.
Is it conceivable you updated the toolchain, HAL libraries, CubeMX, or components thereof auto-updated in the intervening interval?
Just rebuilding the effected files is usually sufficient in Keil, and making sure it actually downloads new code, and has the right items check boxed in the debugger settings to achieve/verify that.
Release vs Debug might have a whole host of different settings, they might not propagate from one to the other.
Using an Eclipse/Workspace environment?
@ST the cursor controls in the editor are still broken and stupid
2019-03-26 11:48 AM
I simply remade the same project with a different name.
Both folder look identical and contain the same files....
I don't understand but I working on my second project.
Thank you for your help.