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We use STM32F767NIH and see random QSPI interface failure accessing a flash.

Associate II

We use STM32F767NIH and see random QSPI interface failure accessing a micron flash. The failure happens when we run diagnostic sw in a loop that does a write, read back and verify function. Using a protocol analyzer, we notice that when the QSPI fails (during read), CS pin going high a few times. Is this normal?


Associate II

Thanks for the data. Do you know what flash device is on your board? ‘The QSPI flash we have on our board is MT25QL128ABA1EW7-0SIT, is ST team aware of any issue when using it with STM32F767NIH6TR?’

ST/MICRON 25Q128A-13E40

N25Q128A13ESE40E, F or G

Did 10,000 full passes

I don't work for ST. You will need to engage ST staff more directly, typically via classical channels, and local sales/support field offices.

As I've repeatedly stated you're going to need to construct some tests, that ideally also work on ST hardware and demonstrates the failure mode.

In this entire thread I've been unable to determine the exact wiring/circuit for the QSPI in the failure context, nor extract salient detail to be able to build a test that will run on your hardware and developed independently. There is no test software or initialization/settings to inspect. This is not how issues like this get tested/validated.

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