2017-05-24 7:11 AM
Hello, everyone!
Few days ago accidentally found that DMA FIFO mode checkbox can't be unckecked.
However it should not be a problem to simply change ''DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE'' to ''DMA_FIFOMODE_DISABLE'' in code. I think this could be a minor bug.
I'm using latest CubeMX version 4.21.0
Screenshot here:
2017-05-24 8:26 AM
,I will highlight this internallyfor further check.
Thanks for your contribution, all your feedback are welcome in order to improve our solutions.
2017-08-18 6:06 AM
,It is normal that you cannot uncheck the Use Fifo checkbox in this case:
There is a pop-up when the cursor is placed on the Use Fifo checkbox that states: ''DMDIS bit (Direct mode disable) is forced to 1 by hardware for memory-to-memory transfers''.
Best regards,