2022-09-13 5:37 AM
Hello all,
In a custom board I wrote a very simple code using stm32cube.
When I start debugging it shows this message
"Break at address "0x1fff1d66" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."
After that I see the cursor in main at HAL_Init();
If a press F10 it don't go in the next line SystemClock_Config(); and the PC is in 0x1fffxxxx.
I tried to debug the same code in a nucleo stm32l496zg board and it works fine.
What can be the problem?
PS: we leaved vdd12 floating because not used but I'm not sure that it is correct
Any help will be apriciated
Thanks in advance
2022-09-13 5:45 AM
Is BOOT0 pulled low in the design?
2022-09-13 5:59 AM
yes, in the beginning with a 10kohm and then with 100kohm but nothing has changed
2022-09-14 11:38 PM
Can someone confirm that put vdd12 floating is correct?
2022-09-15 1:53 AM
if no external SMPS is used, vdd12 floating is correct.
2022-09-15 2:42 AM
Ok many thanks.
I think we found the problem.
We did the design with STM32L496VGP, but in the board we found STM32L496VGY.
"Y" instead of "P" means some pins (including boot) in different position.
Unfortunately they send us the wrong cpu and nobody saw that before solder the boards..... and in this period this is a very big problem :( because found available material is complicated
Hope this could help others to not go in this situation