Posted on March 03, 2016 at 10:14Hello,
I have been designing a controller for an interleaved power converter using the STM32F746 Discovery board. Since I need to have four pulses with different duty cycles and phase delays (which will be variable), I have chosen to use both advanced control timers TIM1 and TIM8 in combined PWM mode. All of the pulses will have the same frequency which however will not be constant. To synchronize the two timers I have am using the third timer TIM4.
So, the outputs of the four pulses are shown in the following figure.

The setup of the timers and the PWM channels are:
TIM8CH1: Combined PWM2
TIM1CH1: Combined PWM2
TIM1CH3: Combined PWM2
TIM4: Master, trigger: TIM_TRGO_UPDATE
TIM1, TIM8: Slave
The register setup to output the correct timings is:
TIM1->CCR1 = tim1ch1delay;
TIM1->CCR2 = tim1ch1pulse;
TIM1->CCR3 = tim1ch3delay;
TIM1->CCR4 = tim1ch3pulse;
TIM8->CCR1 = tim8ch1delay;
TIM8->CCR2 = tim8ch1pulse;
TIM8->CCR4 = tim8ch4pulse;
TIM4->ARR = Period;
TIM1 and TIM8 ARRs are set to 65535 to not interfere.

All works well on my scenario until a high duty cycle of the most shifted channel (i.e. TIM1CH3N in the following figure) overlaps with the first channel which is TIM8CH4.

As all of the timers reset at t=0.004, the output of TIM1CH3N will turn low. As this is the first time I have used the advanced features of the timers, I�d like to ask if someone thinks of a better implementation in order to overcome this problem for overlapping pulses.
#advanced-timers #stm32f746discovery