2016-12-05 7:13 PM
I want to create the USB HID device function but I don't have any library or example code.
Where to download the relation data for me reference?PS:I use a STM32F427 MCU.2016-12-06 12:14 AM
To have more insight into the USB HID using the STM32Cube library, you can review the USB libraries and start from USB HID examples within the :STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device
You can refer also to the following documents: : STM32Cube™ USB host library : STM32Cube™ USB device libraryBest Regards
2016-12-06 12:34 AM
You can look on this presentation labs. They are little older but there is described how to create the HID device with CubeMX
Best regards
2016-12-11 8:00 PM
Dear Imen and Radek:
Thank you for your reply but I don't have an idea to develop my USB HID device because I use a standalone method to create my FW.I have referenced the STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.2.0\Project\USB_Device_Examples\HID\src\usbd_desc, but I confuse the the descriptor doesn't include the descriptor description as configuration_descriptor, interface_descriptor, class_descriptor, endpoint_descriptor and HID Report descriptor.
So I don't know how to create my HID device and the host can emulate the F427 to standard USB HID device?
Do you have some examples for my reference?
Best Regards