2019-05-03 02:02 AM
I visualize in a terminal Tera Term what comes out of the UART1 or UART3 or UART6 of a STM32F407VGTx via a Silabs CP2102N-based UART to USB module.
Port and Terminal configurations match
The connection is via the COM15 port. The TX / RX inputs / outputs are well crossed between the card and the module.
In any case the program sends 'A' spaced 1000 mS and I visualize ü in Tera Term
With a scopemeter we can see the 'A' on Tx F407 / Rx CP2102N
Where is the problem ?
Should the CP2102N be configured ?
I think no because this module UART to USB works properly in other environments (SILABS ... ARDUINO)
without special config
I used the latest version 5.20 of STM32CubeMx and the latest F407 V1.24.0 library
I am under WINDOWS 10
Can you help me solve this problem ?
In advance, thank you.