2015-12-03 12:53 AM
Hi all,
trying to use STM32F401RE board, uart printf, I tried using HAL driver, can see uart signals from the MCU but couldn't see it on my PC teraterm window. I think I'm missing something in uVision setting. Hope to figure out the problem soon.Now I'm trying the same with std periph library and found there's a project template and example project USART_Printf in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.6.0. So I copied the template first and overwrote the source files from USART_Printf project. I fixed the include path, target device. (original was for some other STM32F4xx chips)When I press build all, I see some red marks on some .s files like below.2015-12-03 5:12 AM
It's a Keil ''multi project'' you have selected the F401 target, so ALL the other startup files that could have been used for other parts are not used in this specific build, and have a ''Red No Entry'' sign on them. That's more of a Keil issue, than an STM32 one, and you could remove them by managing the project options.
As you don't have an EVAL board, include file or define to go with it, I'd suggest you remove those dependencies from the main.h and the project. I've generally used the 401C-DISCO firmware examples as a starting point for the NUCLEO